What???? No Profile Photo??

Does anyone actually look like the Ghost Profile pictured above? If you know a person who does then do one of the following:

1. Get them to Urgent Care Immediately
2. Send their picture to a family member for identification confirmation
3. Just smack them upside their head for missing out on fantastic online opportunities by not including a profile photo. (Not too hard, we don’t condone violence, just reprimands)

Let me ask another question. Why would you not want your photo to accompany your profile?

1. You’re afraid to let people see what you look like?
2. You’re afraid the authorities will find you and serve that extradition order on you?
3. You just don’t fully understand the term “Social Network.”

Would you attend a Networking Event and wear a bag over your head? Hopefully your answer is no. Then why do people not include their photo online?  I was once one of those  people who didn’t like to include my photo because I’m vain and I don’t think that I photograph very well. I don’t like the way that I really look to the camera. I have a perception of what I’d really like to look like but reality is reality and there’s nothing but alot of expensive surgery that is going to fix that.

Joseph Paris from Xonitek told me that he puts his photograph everywhere, not because he’s narcisstic but because a photograph makes people feel like they know you. It can be a differentiator to people. Joseph is a keynote speaker who speaks all over the world and has many global connections, he told me about the dozens of times that he’d be minding his own business at the airport, cigar lounge, etc. and someone would walk up to him as if they knew him and introduce themselves all from remembering his photo online.

Because I respect Joseph I tried it and at the first Insights that I attended after starting the group was in Nashville. I was walking with the Sage Rock Star of all Sage Rock Stars, Ed Kless and people were saying hi to me and introducing themselves and I remember Ed saying something to the effect that it was my turn to be a Rock Star. That’s not why I included my photo but I must admit it was kind of cool.

Last Insights in Denver I dragged John Shaver into the Churchills Cigar Lounge in the lobby of the fabulous Palace Hotel. I was enjoying a cigar, John was enjoying his double malt, aged 58 years in an oak barrel Scotch. (I’m exaggerating about the Scotch and have no clue what the difference is between a single malt or double malt Scotch is as I’m not a drinker, but ask me about the characteristics of a Cuban Hoyo De Monterrey Epicure Especial or a Cuban Vegas Robaina Famoso cigar and I will talk until either you get up and walk away mumbling to yourself or your eyes start to droop from sheer boredom.)

Anyway, back to the story a gentleman walks up to our table, introduces himself as David Faye, owner of Faye Consulting located in the San Fernando Valley. He recognized me from my LinkedIn profile and as a result David and I have become friends. We’ve shared meals together, smoked a few Cuban cigars, all as a direct result of including a photograph.

The point that I’m trying to make is that if you’re going to take the time and join a social network group include your profile photograph. Tell us a little about yourself and get involved in discussions. Ask & answer questions, add people to your network, connect with other groups. What’s the worse thing that will happen? You just might meet your next employer/employee, get your next project just because you set your profile up to garner interest from others.

Don’t be a lurker and sit by as the social media train rolls through. It will leave you waiting at the station.

To take a poll on LinkedIn regarding profile photographs please follow this link; http://tinyurl.com/bkizerpoll

BTW: This is the faceless Avatar from LinkedIn when you don’t include a photograph. Alot of you all look alike.