Never Ask a Cancer Patient This……….


I’ve heard strange questions or statements from people about being diagnosed with cancer. The following statement takes the “Heres Your Sign” Award for September. Let me know if you heard something better.

I ran into a friend at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago who I’ve haven’t seen in a couple of years. He said that he had heard that I had terminal cancer, I confirmed the rumor to which he replied “So when are you going to die?”

I think that this question falls under the heading of ignorant. I’m still stable & kicking.

Remember that no matter how Peter Bill Waynebad your life may seem at the       time there is always someone else who’s life is worse and your life will get better

the doctors continue to tell me that I’m stable



Let’s Go On An Emotional Roller Coaster Ride

Help Find A Cure For Liver Cancer

Help Find A Cure For Liver Cancer

I’ve always kept a positive attitude when it comes to my emotions, no matter what the situation is. Like most people I’ve experienced a lot of hills and valleys. But no matter what’s going to happen, what‘s currently happening or events that have happened I’ve always held steadfast to the belief that my life is going to get better.

This belief system has worked well for me for the better part of my life until the past thirty days or so,
Fathers  Day 2013 6
There are many stages dealing with a terminal disease. They include (and not in any order) anger, sadness, loss of interest in normal activities, fatigue, plus many others. Just getting me to the laptops and iPads almost takes an act of Congress and we all know how well things are working in D.C.

I’m currently in the deeply sad stage and because I’m not familiar with it I set an appointment with The UCSD Palliative Care. Their suggestion is to see a either a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I chose the psychologist because they don’t subscribe pills. I’m currently taking 20 pills daily and I’m tired of all the multi- colored, multi- shaped “magic pills.” and their side effects. Ooooh, those side effects, where do th

ey get those things?

Does it sound like I’m giving up? To some I’m sure it does but trust me when I say I’m not giving up. I want to live as long as I possibly to spend as much time as I can with my sons.Bill Diana Peter

I feel like I owe my readers an apology for this blog as it’s tone is dark but right now that’s I feel. I’m sure that things will change especially when I get to spend time with my boys this week.

Thanks everyone for your continued support. Tomorrow will be a better day.